New Harboring Hearts’ Executive Director Reflects on Perfect Heart Match

Life’s circumstances often shift the decisions we make and how we move about the world. Just over five years ago, my father’s circumstances changed my family’s perspective on life and my professional path forever. His successful heart transplant –– after many months of sickness, surgeries, and uncertainty –– provided hope and a second chance at life. We, as a family, were fortunate to have the proper access to care, medical insurance coverage, and proximity to world-class doctors performing miracles every day. It is not lost on me that this is a luxury many people are not as fortunate to have, often through no fault of their own. Through my dad’s medical journey and our family’s experience, a heartfelt desire to impact the transplant community was born.

Supporting medical advances has remained a constant priority throughout my career. I spent six years in the peer-to-peer fundraising world, supporting world-class medical research and resources at the Avon Breast Cancer Crusade and Cerebral Palsy Alliance Research Foundation. After my family personally experienced the uncertainty and incredible financial burden of organ transplant –– thanks to his selfless donor, my father received his successful heart transplant in August of 2016 –– I shifted my long-term sights to establish an organization that would bridge the financial gap for transplant patients and their families. It was in this same timeframe that I learned about Harboring Hearts’ mission and my father shared his experience with the organization’s wider community. It felt serendipitous to learn that a mission so close to my heart not only already existed, but was thriving in my own backyard –– New York City.

It is with heart and great excitement that I take on the role of Executive Director within Harboring Hearts. This community of patients, donors, caregivers, medical professionals, and volunteers is uniquely special. It is an immense honor to join the fold, and I look forward to working vigorously to further Michelle and Yuki’s vision. At the heart of HH’s 4 main program verticals — providing emergency housing, transportation, food, and emotional support programming to transplant and cardiothoracic surgery patients and their caregivers — patients’ needs are met so they can focus on their most important job: full recovery. 


Throughout Heart Month, we celebrate the best man I know and his perfect heart match. His enduring resilience and continued daily recovery inspire my passion and guide my steps. I’m grateful to be on this journey with him in mind. For me, Harboring Hearts feels like my own perfect heart match. I am propelled by our patients’stories and inspired by our promise of hope. I’ve always affirmed, “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” I cannot wait to dream and achieve big with Harboring Hearts.

Background: A native of North Carolina, Pamela holds a Bachelor of Science in Human Services and Communication Studies from Wingate University and a Nonprofit Leadership Certification from Duke University. She also serves as the youngest member of the Board of Visitors for Wingate University, where she served as Student Body President.


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